Oklahoma City Housing Authority // MAPS 4


Oklahoma City residents deserve safe, affordable housing

Oklahoma City Housing Authority // MAPS 4

Who Will Benefit?

We are currently working on a supply/demand study to better understand the challenges and needs of residents who are most in need, understand the types of housing features and services that are of the highest impact and connect with the populations in OKC who will most benefit from expanded and improved public housing.

Oklahoma City Housing Authority // MAPS 4

MAPS 4 Housing Funds

Our team is currently conducting a study on supply and demand to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and needs of the number of Oklahoma City residents who require assistance. We are also identifying the housing features and services that have the greatest impact and reaching out to the populations in OKC who stand to benefit the most from improved public housing. 

With the help of MAPS 4 Housing funds, we aim to expand the network of housing to support over 500 individuals experiencing homelessness through the creation of supportive housing units. Additionally, we plan to preserve at least 1,500 units of federally assisted housing to prevent homelessness and provide opportunities for workforce households by building 150 homes in high-cost areas.

Read more about the need for housing in the City of OKC’s 2021 Housing Affordability Study.