Oklahoma City Housing Authority // MAPS 4

MAPS 4 includes $55.7 million to address affordable housing in Oklahoma City

The project will expand and improve affordable housing in our community, to serve those experiencing homelessness, vulnerable and low-income individuals and families. It is expected to include renovation and new construction and leverage more than $400 million in additional funding for affordable housing in Oklahoma City.

Oklahoma City Housing Authority // MAPS 4

MAPS 4 includes $55.7 million to address affordable housing in Oklahoma City

The project will expand and improve affordable housing in our community, to serve those experiencing homelessness, vulnerable and low-income individuals and families. It is expected to include renovation and new construction and leverage more than $400 million in additional funding for affordable housing in Oklahoma City.

Oklahoma City Housing Authority // MAPS 4

OKC’s Housing Need, by the numbers


the number of OKC heads-of-household and their families waiting to move into various public and Section 8 housing


the deficit of affordable units needed to be available to households at or below extremely low incomes**


housing units – OCHA’s goal for utilizing the $50 million MAPS 4 Housing allocation to leverage additional public and private funds 


the estimated additional public and private investment that will be made possible by the MAPS 4 funds

Oklahoma City Housing Authority // MAPS 4

Creston Park: Phase 1

Creston Park is located just north of the historic NE 23rd Street commercial corridor on Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. This development will be one of the largest investments in new affordable housing on the Northeast side of Oklahoma City in 40 years.

Oklahoma City Housing Authority // MAPS 4

Oak Grove Apartments

Oak Grove apartments are located at 3301 SW 17th Street and are currently home to approximately 1,000 Oklahoma City residents, including ~600 young people under the age of 18.

Oklahoma City Housing Authority // MAPS 4

Vita Nova Apartments

Vita Nova will convert a former motel, at 1800 E. Reno, into supportive housing.

Oklahoma City Housing Authority // MAPS 4

Permanent Supportive Housing

Projects in Pre-Development:

Supportive Housing #3

A new-construction project and a collaborative CoC Builds application between OCHA and MAPS 4 partners Mental Health Association Oklahoma and The Homeless Alliance, the proposed project is expected to leverage $5 million from HUD and at least $5 million in other sources to build 40 units of Permanent Supportive Housing dedicated to people with disabilities who are experiencing long-term homelessness, including those who are unsheltered. The services onsite will come from The Homeless Alliance and other community partners. This project will be a part of the Strategic Plan to End Homelessness in Oklahoma City known as Key to Home.

The 4th Supportive Housing project under MAPS 4 Homelessness will be with a 3rd party developer undertaking the construction, and The Homeless Alliance providing on-site case management services. This 38-unit project has been designed, and the project is expected to be placed into service within 18 months – by July 2026. This project is leveraging low-income housing tax credits and other sources thanks to funds from MAPS 4. This project will also target those with disabilities who have been experiencing long-term homelessness.

The Oklahoma City Housing Authority, together with the City of Oklahoma City, received a $500,000 Choice Neighborhood Planning Grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in 2023. The Transformation Plan will be complete in mid-2025 and will then be submitted to HUD. In 2026 OCHA and the City of OKC will apply for a Choice Neighborhood Implementation Grant. If we receive the award from HUD, up to $50 million will leverage hundreds of millions of dollars from other public and private sources to replace 348 public housing units with over 700 units of mixed income housing. Will Rogers Courts was built in the 1930s. After the renovation of the property, housing priority will be given to current residents of Will Rogers Courts who will have the right to return to the new housing. Read more about the engagement and planning process for the Will Rogers Courts and Westwood Exchange neighborhood at choiceokc.org.

Oklahoma City Housing Authority // MAPS 4

Workforce Housing & Rental Assistance

Though not officially defined like affordable housing categories, “workforce” housing is typically defined as households between 80-120% of area median income. However, in Oklahoma City, we will be targeting households with between 70-90% of AMI for rental and for-sale housing in this category, subject to adjustment as needed.

The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program, formerly known as Section 8, is a federally funded program for assisting very low-income families, elderly, and disabled households to afford decent, safe, and sanitary housing. All redeveloped Public Housing units will receive project based rental assistance (PBV) administered by OCHA.  Additional PBV assistance and traditional HCV assistance will be utilized for supportive housing units.

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